Snowplowing Notice


The Board of Twin Lakes Township would like to remind everyone that the act of plowing snow onto or across a public roadway is a safety hazard and a violation of Minnesota Statute 160.27, subdivision 5, punishable as a misdemeanor.

Minnesota statute 160.27 prohibits plowing, shoveling, blowing, or the placing of snow onto public roadways which includes the right of way.

The act of placing snow onto a public roadway can subject a person to a civil liability, if a road hazard, such as a slippery area, frozen rut, bump, or a large bank on the shoulder occurs and causes a traffic accident or damage to snowplowing equipment, and the additional snow can fill the areas designed for storing roadway snow, narrowing the roadway. This civil liability can extend to both the property owner and the person who actually placed the snow on the roadway.

Snow from private property should be contained within property boundaries as much as possible, thereby avoiding piling or pushing snow into the road right of way.